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🛢 Data Things

Baby Name Trends in the USA


Visualize the changes in names given to babies at birth over the years 1910–2015.

Interesting Insights

  1. 99,836 babies born in 1947 were given the name “Linda”.
  2. 664 babies born in 2015 were given the name “Princeton”.
  3. The 21st Century marked the rise of the name “Abcde”.
  4. There is a greater variety of names today as opposed to the early and middle 20th Century.


Continuous Line Chart

  1. Displays the frequency of baby names being assigned over time.
  2. Use the tools in the sidebar to filter or look for particular results.

Pie Chart

  1. Displays the usage of a baby name as a portion of all baby names assigned during that time period.
  2. Use the tools in the sidebar to filter or look for particular results.

Bubble Chart

  1. Displays the usage of a baby name relative to all baby names assigned during that time period.
  2. Use the tools in the sidebar to filter or look for particular results.

Data Source | Methods